Thursday, September 4, 2014

Cleveland Geekster and doing things!

I’ve been putting this post off for long enough.  I have been quiet for a while on this blog, but rest assured I have not been idle!  On October 4th exactly one month from today some friends and I are trying something new.  We are putting on a toy and comic show in Cleveland TN.  I have been vending at shows since 2011, and this has been something I have wanted to bring to my town since then.

The town I live in, Cleveland TN, is smallish. there is, however, a huge environment of collectors, pop culture addicts and comic shops but there are no local events for these people go to.  We have to go the surrounding bigger cities for even small shows.  I find this sad for the city that brought us the Overstreet Comic book price guide, and used to have such a vibrant community of collectors.  To my knowledge there hasn’t been a collectors show here in at least 10 years. It has probably been even longer.

In the last few years that I have been vending at shows I have watched carefully, asked questions, and made friends.  This has always been something I have wanted to do and here it is.  We are a month out from the (hopefully) FIRST ANNUAL CLEVELAND GEEKSTER toy and comic show!  While we have been planning this for the last several months, we still have a lot to do, but to this point it has been a great journey.  There is a lot that goes into an event like this. We have gotten some great vendors from the region and we should have a great set of stuff to look through.

This event that is something that is important to me for several reasons. As I have said I wanted to be involved with bringing an event like this in Cleveland because I love this town and I love this stuff.  But more importantly it is something I am doing.  At the end of the day I will be able to say I was involved with that event.  I was with it from its infancy as an idea and saw it through to fruition.  I'm excited to do that.  This is something I have thought a lot about lately.  most of my life I have had ideas, but I never acted on them.  This year I have had the opportunity to act on these ideas in a way I never have had the chance to do before.  That is the other reason I am excited!

I hope to add some updated information as we continue through the process, as well as get some images up during the event.  Until then, I would encourage everyone who is interested to check out our facebook page at and also our website at, there you can find information about the show, and the vendors who have signed on.

In the comments let me know about something you have planned and saw it through, and how that made you feel. . . Or just tell me a great story about going to a toy and comic show!

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